Play Framework Miscellany

25 Sep 2016


I’ve used Play for the past couple years, mostly using version 2.3. For various reasons, I haven’t worked with 2.4 or above, so some of the things I’ll mention below may be dated.

Overall it’s a great framework with a lot of things included. I prefer opinionated frameworks, since they make getting started a lot more straight forward. For newer developers, they provide a happy path that they can follow to avoid frustration.

One of the problems with batteries-included frameworks is that if you veer off the happy path, sometimes it’s difficult to find your way without combing through the source code. I’ll describe some features and techniques I’ve used that address some things you may be interested in after having worked with the framework for awhile.

Fair warning: this post is disorganized, but I plan to update it as I think of new things to add.


One of my favorite features of Play is the Twirl templates library. The templates you write will be compiled into Scala code along with the benefits that offers (type-safety). Although coding in a compiled language is obviously a little more clunky and verbose than a dynamic language, refactoring is much easier thanks to the compiler’s checks.

Templates are typically put into the views directory. The simplest template is a blank file. For example, views/simple.scala.html would get compiled into a object defined as follows:

package views.html

import play.twirl.api._
import play.twirl.api.TemplateMagic._
import play.api.templates.PlayMagic._
import models._
import controllers._
import play.api.i18n._
import play.api.mvc._
import views.html._

object simple extends BaseScalaTemplate[
  with play.twirl.api.Template0[play.twirl.api.HtmlFormat.Appendable] {
  def apply():play.twirl.api.HtmlFormat
  .Appendable = {
      _display_ {
  def render(): play.twirl.api.HtmlFormat.Appendable
    = apply()
  def f:(() => play.twirl.api.HtmlFormat.Appendable)
    = () => apply()
  def ref: this.type = this

It’s fairly verbose for something that displays nothing, but I’ve never had to look at this generated content other than to see how it works.

We can change the views/simple.scala.html file to this:


A template which takes 0 arguments. The generated code is the same as above. Adding a single argument such as an Int will change the types slightly. The new template is:

@(index: Int)

And the generated code, omitting some unchanged code, becomes:

object simple extends BaseScalaTemplate[play.twirl.api.HtmlFormat.Appendable,Format[play.twirl.api.HtmlFormat.Appendable]](play.twirl.api.HtmlFormat) with play.twirl.api.Template1[Int,play.twirl.api.HtmlFormat.Appendable] {
  def apply/*1.2*/(index: Int):play.twirl.api.HtmlFormat.Appendable = {
      _display_ {
  def render(index:Int): play.twirl.api.HtmlFormat.Appendable = apply(index)
  def f:((Int) => play.twirl.api.HtmlFormat.Appendable) = (index) => apply(index)

It is mostly the same accept that the Int type has been added as a function argument in various places, and as a type parameter in other places.

Let’s add some content to the template and check out the result. Here’s the new template, display the index variable in a paragraph tag:

@(index: Int)

And the new generated code is the same except for the apply function

  // ... unchanged code elided
  def apply/*1.2*/(index: Int):play.twirl.api.HtmlFormat.Appendable = {
      _display_ {


format.raw and _display_ are used to render raw HTML and escaped content, respectively.

Supported code

The template engine is particular about some of the code that’s used. For example, if you want to use an if-else block, you have to write it like:

@if(condition) {
} else {

Rather than:

@if(condition) {
@else {

Imports are okay:

@import play.api.mvc


val declarations are not:

@(index: Int)

@val test = 1


Unless you combine it with an import into a single line:

@import play.api.mvc; val test = 1;

This may be an oversight of the Twirl parser. It’s also possible to accomplish something similar via a reusable block.

@test = { 1 }

or reusable code block:

@test = @{ 1 }

This block gets written as a def in the generated object:

def apply/*1.2*/(index: Int):play.twirl.api.HtmlFormat.Appendable = {
    _display_ {
def /*3.2*/test/*3.6*/ = 1;



Rails coined the term partials for resuable templates that can be included in other templates. I use an underscore prefix to denote partial templates. Let’s say we want have the following models:

package models
case class Student(id: Int, name: String)
case class Course(
  name: String,
  students: Seq[Student])

And the following views views/_studentTable.scala.html:

@(students: Seq[models.Student])
  @for(student <- students) {

and views/course.scala.html:

@(course: models.Course)

View Configuration

When we have many templates calling different partials, we may want to configure the partials in different ways as determined by the controller. I’ve found the most straightforward way of dealing with this is to create some view configuration object which gets passed to template or partial, and contains and variables or methods required by the view. For example, if we wanted to override how the partial renders students we could do the following. In views/Config.scala:

package views
import models._
case class Config(
  render: Student => String =

Then we change modify the views/_studentTable.scala.html to add this parameter:

@(students: Seq[models.Student],
  config: views.Config)
  @for(student <- students) {

Then we can have the students’ ids appear when listed in the course view:

@(course: models.Course)
  views.Config(render = s => + " " +


Although the documentation has a good explanation of how to use forms and form validation, it doesn’t have an opinion on how to organize things. I’ll go over my preferred way of organizing this.

Let’s say we want validation for creating a Course instance. I create an object CourseForm in a forms package containing two members.

object CourseForm {
  import Forms._

  val mapping = Forms.mapping(
    "name" -> nonEmptyText,
    "students" -> seq(StudentForm.mapping)
  val form = Form(mapping)

object StudentForm {
  import Forms._

  val mapping = Forms.mapping(
    "id" -> number,
    "name" -> nonEmptyText
  val form = Form(mapping)

First, there is a mapping: Mapping[T] which makes it easy to bind form fields to an object. Next, there is a form: Form[T] which is used in form rendering and validation. CourseForm.mapping makes uses of StudentForm.mapping instance, which is defined similarly allowing for easier code reuse.

All of the docs regarding form submission show passing the mapping directly to the form, but separating things like this provides a lot of flexibility.

Form Validators

The validators that are built-in will get you most of the way you want, but there are many cases for custom validators. One general validator I’ve commonly had need of which is not part of the object is what I call choice. choice validates that the input is one in a given list of choices. We can define choice like this:

def choice[T](mapping: Mapping[T], choices: Set[T]): Mapping[T] =
  mapping.verifying { t =>

and use it like so:


val sizes = choice(
  Set("small, medium, large")))

val myForm = Form(
  Forms.single("sizes" -> sizes))


Here’s an example of using anorm to read a SQL table. First, the table:

CREATE TABLE students (
  id int PRIMARY KEY,
  name varchar(500)

We define a corresponding case class first:

case class Student( id: Int, name: Option[String] )

Then we use anorm to query for it:

import anorm._

def getStudents: Seq[Student] = {
  import play.api.Play.current
  DB.withConnection { implicit connection =>
    SQL"select * from students".as(parser.*)

val parser: RowParser[Student] = {
  import SqlParser._

  int("id") ~
    .map ( flatten )
    .map ( Student.apply _ tupled )

While this works well for case classes, if we’re using Scala 2.10 and have more than the member-limit of fields we need to populate, what can we do?

Assuming there is some class with more than 22 members, we can define a parser as follows:

val parser: RowParser[Student] = {
  import SqlParser._

  val subParser1 = str("field1") ~
    str("field2") ~
    // ...

  val subParser1 = str("field23") ~
    str("field24") ~
    // ...

  // now combine the parsers

  subParser1 ~ subParser1 map flatten map {
    case (
      (field1, ..., field22),
      (field23, ..., field24)) =>
      // create instance


The provided manual has great information on testing, but here are a few extra bits of information I’ve come to find useful.

Testing Controllers

Pre 2.4 there is no built-in DI, and although controller injection is supported, the default way to create a controller is to create a companion object. This makes it difficult to unit test. The simplest way to get around this, especially in a codebase that already exists, is to change the companion object into a trait, rename it appropriately, then create a new companion object that just extends from this trait. Say we have the following controller:

object MyController extends Controller {
  def index = Action { Ok }

We change it to this instead:

trait MyControllerLike extends Controller {
  def index = Action { Ok }
object MyController extends MyControllerLike

This allows us to easily unit test this controller by extending this trait in a test class:

class TestController extends MyControllerLike {
  // override some method

// test the index method
val controller = new TestController
val result = controller.index(FakeRequest())
// confirm result is as expected

Test Logging

Sometimes we want to log during test runs. Assuming you are using the Play logger to do this, and create a play logger for each class by mixing in a trait like this:

trait LoggerSupport { self =>
  implicit lazy val logger =
    play.api.Logger(self.getClass.getName.replaceAll("\\$$", ""))


Then you can add a test/resources/logger.xml file to configure test logging.

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